Sunday, July 20, 2008

More and the last of Copenhagen

More and the last of Copenhagen. A charming and cool city - we took another walk today, here are a few more sights.

This is one of the favorite food stops for the guys - red hot dogs, frankfurters, and all things sausage!!

We had a nice walk through the King's Garden. This reminded me of the the Boston Commons. A large urban park heavily utilized by its residents and home to one of the smaller castles.

A shot of the residences near the park.

An tree lined walk way.

Here we walked down an espaliered path to the castle.

A couple of team shots in front of the castle in the King's Gardens.

After we went through the King's Gardens, we walked over to the Queen's residence. Denmark has a royal family and it's led by Queen Margrethe. According to Sven, our soccer guide, the monarchy is much loved and actually holds the government and populace accountable for their actions.
The changing of the guard is a rather friendly affair. The guards themselves are tremendously serious, but the police are friendly and you can get quite close to the action.

The Queen's residence and the happy crowd - yes, they're all happy. Denmark was recently rated one of the 'happiest' countries in the world.

The guards march in.

Much ado about changing the six men. Yes, those are real automatic rifles and they're loaded!

Time to walk over to change out the guard on the other side of the square. They walk right through the crowd - who parts enough to let them troop through.

After the Queen's residence and changing of the guard, we walked past the National Theatre.

And off to lunch!

A lovely 1700s era window with some hydrangeas.

Next, off to Hjorring and Danish Cup. Sorry I'm running behind. But, I've had a few connection issues! Stay tuned.

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